SHOW BY ROCK!! Fes A Live Wiki

"A cool, beautiful ice rabbit girl. Her cool-headed thirst for knowledge is her specialty. She grew up skating every day in the land of ice in faraway Northern Europe. In a land where entertainment is scarce, she had a longing for music ever since she saw a band's live performance for the first time.

She has translucent white skin, an ice-cold figure, and a blank expression. Since she moves from country to country so often, her wording is sometimes a little bit off."

—translated from the official SHOW BY ROCK!! website


  • She likes to eat cold foods and isn't a fan of hot food or drinks.
  • The frequently uses the French word "oui" instead of "yes," and uses "zeyo" at the end of her sentences.
  • Her character song is noche blanca.
  • She has experience working part-time on a as a cold storage warehouse manager and at a bookstore.[2]



Home Screen Lines

Japanese English Translation
どこまでも突き進む青今も昔も変わらない、ミーの姿ゼヨ。 The blue that pushes forward through thick and thin…. That’s how I’ve always been, zeyo.
ミーの母国は、遠い遠い、氷の国ゼヨ。TVで見た、何処かの国のライブが、ミーの心にImpactを与えたゼヨ。 My homeland is a country of ice, one far far away from here, zeyo. Seeing a live show from a different country on TV made an impact on my heart, zeyo.
ミーのモットー?決まってるゼヨ。「欲しいモノすべてを手に入れる」ゼヨ。 My motto? Isn't it obvious, zeyo? "I will seize everything I want with my own hands," zeyo.
明日は朝一でレコーディングゼヨ。吹雪の気持ちで歌ってみるゼヨ。 I have a recording session first thing tomorrow morning, zeyo. I'll sing with the force of a blizzard, zeyo.
雪が降ると母国を思い出すゼヨ。何もない街だった、でも歌とスケートがあれば楽しかったゼヨ。 I remember my homeland whenever it snows, zeyo. It had nothing, but I had fun as long as I could sing and skate, zeyo.
……気やすく触るのはやめるゼヨ。おまえのことはまだ認めてないゼヨ。 ... Don't act too familiar with me, zeyo. I haven't acknowledged you yet, zeyo.
ハートは熱く、頭はCoolに、それがミーのモットーゼヨ。こうでもないと鍋の具材争奪戦には勝てないゼヨ。 Keep a passionate heart and a cool head. That's my motto, zeyo. I won't win the scramble for hot pot ingredients otherwise, zeyo.
……別に、機嫌が悪いわけじゃないゼヨ。何を話せばいいのか迷ってるだけ、ゼヨ。 ... It's not that I'm in a bad mood, zeyo. I just don't know what to talk about, zeyo.
Iceスケーティングの腕には自信があるゼヨ。確かめてみるゼヨ? I'm confident in my ice skating skills, zeyo. Do you want to see for yourself, zeyo?
ララリンは肉、スモモネは野菜。そしてミーはアイス。これがミー達の、完璧なすき焼きFormation ゼヨ。 For Rararin, it's meat. Sumomone, vegetables. Then for me, it's ice cream. Together, we make up a perfect formation for sukiyaki, zeyo.
暑苦しいのもベタベタするのもNo thank youゼヨ。 I'll have to say no thank you to anything hot, suffocating, or sticky, zeyo.
アイスは一年中うまいゼヨ。季節なんて関係ないゼヨ。だから早くアイスを買ってくるゼヨ。 Ice cream tastes good all year round, zeyo. It doesn't matter what season it is, zeyo. That's why I'm going to buy some now, zeyo.
Home screen line translations by Anonymous Piyo

  1. SHOW BY ROCK!! Fan Book Vol.1
  2. SHOW BY ROCK!! Fan Book Vol.2