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The Town Objects Shop (タウンオブジェショップ) is where the player can purchase Buildings, fences, and other objects to place in their Town. For more information, visit the Town Construction page.

The following is the list of Town objects that can be purchased.

Image Item Name Sales Interval Value per Sale Max Sound Dollar Limit Price
Regularlivehouse Regular Livehouse N/A N/A N/A 200,000 Sound Dollars
Attractive livehouse Attractive Livehouse N/A N/A N/A 1,000,000 Sound Dollars
Regulargoodsshop Regular Goods Shop 2.5 minutes Varies 100,000 Sound Dollars 200,000 Sound Dollars
Attractive goods shop Attractive Goods Shop 2.5 minutes Varies 200,000 Sound Dollars 1,000,000 Sound Dollars
Regulartheater Regular Movie Theater N/A N/A N/A 200,000 Sound Dollars
Attractive movie theater Attractive Movie Theater N/A N/A N/A 1,000,000 Sound Dollars
Shabbycafe Shabby Cafe 10 minutes 300 Sound Dollars 2,100 Sound Dollars 50,000 Sound Dollars
Regularcafe Regular Cafe 10 minutes 300 Sound Dollars 2,100 Sound Dollars 200,000 Sound Dollars
Attractive cafe Attractive Cafe 10 minutes 300 Sound Dollars 2,100 Sound Dollars 1,000,000 Sound Dollars
Shabbymusicshop Shabby Music Shop 60 minutes 1,400 Sound Dollars 8,400 Sound Dollars 50,000 Sound Dollars
Regularmusicshop Regular Music Shop 60 minutes 1,400 Sound Dollars 8,400 Sound Dollars 200,000 Sound Dollars
Attractive music store Attractive Music Shop 60 minutes 1,400 Sound Dollars 8,400 Sound Dollars 1,000,000 Sound Dollars
Shabbychineserestaurant Shabby Chinese Restaurant 15 minutes 400 Sound Dollars 3,600 Sound Dollars 50,000 Sound Dollars
Regular chinese restaurant Regular Chinese Restaurant 15 minutes 400 Sound Dollars 3,600 Sound Dollars 200,000 Sound Dollars
Attractive chinese restaurant Attractive Chinese Restaurant 15 minutes 400 Sound Dollars 3,600 Sound Dollars 1,000,000 Sound Dollars
Tonsoku ramen Tonsoku Ramen 15 minutes 800 Sound Dollars 7,200 Sound Dollars 0 Sound Dollars
Rare bamboo grove ramen Rare Bamboo Grove Ramen 15 minutes 800 Sound Dollars 7,200 Sound Dollars 5,000,000 Sound Dollars
Shabbyclothingstore Shabby Clothing Store Generates Sound Dollars 250 50,000 Sound Dollars 50,000 Sound Dollars
Regular clothing store Regular Clothing Store 30 minutes 750 Sound Dollars 5,350 Sound Dollars 200,000 Sound Dollars
Attractive clothing store Attractive Clothing Store 30 minutes 750 Sound Dollars 5,350 Sound Dollars 1,000,000 Sound Dollars

Image Item Name Price
Youkai street background Youkai Street 10,000,000 Sound Dollars

Image Item Name Price
Brick road Brick Road 25,000 Sound Dollars
Painted brick road Painted Brick Road 250,000 Sound Dollars
Tiled road Tiled Road 800,000 Sound Dollars
Patterned mosaic road Patterned Mosaic Road 1,200,000 Sound Dollars
Keyboard style road Keyboard-Style Road 2,000,000 Sound Dollars

Image Item Name Price
Iron fence Iron Fence 25,000 Sound Dollars
Fancy fence Fancy Fence 250,000 Sound Dollars
Circular fence Circular Fence 800,000 Sound Dollars
Mesh fence Mesh Fence 1,200,000 Sound Dollars
Lattice style fence Lattice-Style Fence 2,000,000 Sound Dollars
