There are various options to customize gameplay.
Live Settings

The location of the Live Settings button
This menu is where you can customize sounds and visual effects while playing a song. It can be accessed by clicking Settings (設定) at the top-right corner on the page before starting a Live. It can also be reached from the Home screen by tapping the Menu button in the top-right corner, followed by the Live Settings (ライブ設定) button (second row down, on the right).

Translated Notes tab
Notes Tab
Settings on the Notes (ノーツ) tab allow you to make adjustments to the notes during Lives.
- Note Speed (ノーツ速度): Sets the speed at which notes fall from the top of the screen. A higher number will make notes fall faster, while a lower number will make notes fall slower. The setting ranges from 1.0 to 13.0.
- Note Judgement (ノーツ判定調整): Adjusts the judgement timing for tapping notes. This sets the timing of the screen taps in correlation to the note timing. Clicking Adjust (調整する) will open a window to assist you in calibrating the timing. Tap the screen on each high note you hear. A blue line will appear showing where the note would be on the screen. After tapping, a green line will show briefly on the screen. Adjust the setting so that the majority of your hits (green line) line up with the red line.
- Lane Tilt Angle (レーン傾斜角度): Sets the angle at which the lane will tilt back. A lower degree setting will appear straighter on the screen, whereas a higher degree setting will appear more tilted.
- Lane Sensitivity (レーン縦感度): Changes the height of the lane that responds to touch. A higher setting allows you to tap higher up on the screen.
- Note Visuals (ノーツビジュアル): Sets the appearance of notes in the game.

Translated Audio tab
Audio Tab
The Audio (音声) tab allow you make adjustments to various audio-related settings. These settings only affect the sound during a Live and do no affect other areas of the game. To make adjustments to audio outside Lives, see the Options menu.
- Music (楽曲): Adjusts the volume of music during a Live.
- Sound Effects (効果音): Adjusts the volume of various sound effects, such as tapping a note during a Live.
- Voice (ボイス): Adjusts the volume of character voices during a Live.
- Note Sounds (ノーツサウンド選択): Sets the sounds when tapping notes.

Translated Effects tab
Effects Tab
Make adjustments to any visual effects displayed during Live performances on the Effects (エフェクト) tab. By default, these settings are all set to Display.
- Skill Activation (スキル演出): Sets whether to display bromide images when skills are activated.
- Myumon (ミニキャラ演出): Sets whether to display myumon performing on the stage.
- Note Effects (ノーツエフェクト): Sets whether to display visual effects upon tapping a note.
- Background (背景演出): Sets whether to display effects on the performance stage background.
- Audience/FEVER (観客/ FEVER演出): Sets whether to display the audience and FEVER Mode effects.

Translated Function tab
Function Tab
On the Function (機能) tab, you can change functional settings related to Lives. By default, these settings are all set to Do Not Display.
- Dimmer (ディマー): Sets to make the background dimmer to increase visibility of notes.
- Life Interrupt (ライフ0中断): Sets whether to make the result screen appear after reaching 0 Life points, rather than letting the song continue.
Challenge Settings

The location of the Challenge Settings button
These options make playing a Live more difficult. This menu can be reached by selecting Challenge Settings (やりこみ設定) on the screen displayed before playing a Live.
Selecting harder settings allows you to increase the score multiplier by a specified amount. On all the default settings, the score multiplier is set to 100%. The maximum score multiplier can go up to 150%.
The settings available on this window are as follows:

Translated Challenge Settings screen
- Touch Judgement (タッチ判定): Sets the judgement severity when tapping notes. The higher the setting, the smaller the range in which you can successfully tap a note will be.
- Combo Judgement (コンボ判定): Sets which note judgements will maintain a combo. The default setting is set to "GOOD," which means that any note that is not rated BAD or MISS will count towards a combo. The "GREAT" setting means that GOOD notes will no longer count towards combos and the "PERFECT" setting means that only PERFECT notes will count.
- Damage Multiplier (ダメージ): Sets the multiplier of damage received from MISS or BAD notes.
- Note Hiding (ノーツかくし): Sets the distance that the notes disappear The notes will disappear before they reach the bottom of the screen if the "A Little" or "A Lot" options are selected.
This menu is where you can adjust options that only affect gameplay outside of Lives. It can be reached from the Home screen by tapping the Menu button in the top-right corner, followed by Options (オプション設定) button (second row down, in the middle).

Translated System Tab
System Tab
The Volume settings on the System (システム) tab allow you to make adjustments to the notes during Lives. These settings only affect the sound outside Lives. To make adjustments to audio during Lives, see the Live Settings.
- Music (楽曲): Adjusts the volume of the background music.
- Sound Effects (効果音): Adjusts the volume of various sound effects, such as tapping a button.
- Voice (ボイス): Adjusts the volume of character voices on menus.
- Game Quality (ゲーム画質): Adjusts the visual quality of the game to lower device load. The lower the value, the poorer the quality will be, but the lower the load on the device.
- Batch Download (一括ダウンロード): Download all the game data at once to allow faster and smoother gameplay, instead of frequently having to pause to download songs, episodes, etc. when you play them for the first time.

Translated Notifications Tab
Notifications Tab
You can set the notifications that are sent to you from the game on the Notifications (通知) tab. Please note: If your notifications are turned off on your phone, you will not receive any notifications regardless of the settings you select.
- Full Iyahoi (イヤホイ満タン): Notifications for when your Iyahoi is fully recovered. By default, this setting is set to Notify. The message for this notification changes depending on who you have set as your Partner on the Home screen.
- Late Night (深夜通知): Notifications between 0:00 and 6:59 a.m. By default, this setting is set to Do Not Notify.