Translated Player Profile screen
The Player Profile (あなたのプロフィールです) window is where you can edit various parts of your profile that can be displayed to other players. This is also where you can customize your avatar. To access this screen, tap Profile (プロフ) on the right side of the Home screen.
The following fields are available on this screen:
- Name (名前): Your in-game name. Multiple players may have the same name.
- Player ID (プレイヤーID): The unique ID associated to your account. This can be easily copied to share with friends.
- Info Sharing (公開範囲): This allowed you to decide what information is displayed to other players. If set to "Friends Only," only your name, avatar, and friend status will visible to others.
- Comment (ひとこと): A brief comment that you would like other players to see. At least one character is required in this field.
- Title (称号): These are earned through ranking in events. By default, this is set to "Novice Rocker (かけだしロッカー)."
- Favorite Band (推しバン): Your favorite band.
- Favorite Song (推し曲): Your favorite song. Only songs you've unlocked can be selected.
- Favorite Bromide (推しプロ): Your favorite bromide. Only bromides you own can be selected.
- Play Style (プレイスタイル): Your play style. The selections are: Not set (未設定), Aims to rank within Top 100 (ランキング100位以内目標), Aims to rank within top 1000 (ランキング1000位以内目標), Gives it their all (がっつり全力), Does their best for their favorite (推しには全力), and Takes it easy (気ままにまったり).
- Play Time (プレイ時間帯): The time range that you play in the most. Please note that these time ranges are in JST.
- Main Band (メインバンド): The band marked as your favorite on the Band Formation screen. It will also show the name you've entered and total power of the band.
- Bank Rank TOP 3 (バンドランクTOP3): Your top 3 highest ranked bands. This is automatically populated the game and cannot be selected. If you have multiple bands maxed or at the same level, they are displayed in order of their Band ID (which is the order on the Bands page).
Post Profile

Translated Post Profile screen
Clicking Post Profile (投稿用プロフィール) at the top right of the screen allows you to generate an image with some of your profile information to share on social media. The image used is automatically set to the bromide you set as your favorite.
The menu at the bottom allows you to change the placement of the bromide of the box with your profile information. Clicking Share (シェア) in the top right corner will allow you to download the image for sharing or post directly from various applications on your device.
Avatar Outfit
The Avatar Outfit (アバターの衣装を選んでください) screen can be accessed by clicking Change Outfit (着替える) under your avatar on the Player Profile screen. These outfits can be earned from ranking in Events, or purchased from the Avatar Outfits Shop and Memorial Point Exchange. Changes to your avatar will not be saved unless you save on the main profile page.
The following is the list of current outfits.