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You can reach the Missions page by tapping Missions (ミッション) on the right side of the Home screen. Selecting Collect All (まとめて受け取る) will accept all rewards for the tab you are currently on. Information on the Beginner Missions can be found further down on the page here and Special Missions can be found on the Events page.

Tabs and the missions contained in them are listed below. These are up to date with the update that was made on May 10, 2022 to include missions related to Part-Time Jobs.

Mission Mission (Japanese) Reward
Log in ログインしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x2
Collect Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンでサウンドルを獲得しよう Melodisians
Melodisians x30
Complete 1 Part-Time Job バイトを1回完了しよう Iyahoi candy 25
Iyahoi Candy 25 x1
Strengthen a bromide ブロマイドを強化しよう Sounddollars
Sound Dollars x15,000
Play 1 Free Live ライブでフリーライブを1回プレイしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x30
Complete all other Daily Missions デイリーミッションをすべてクリアしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x60

Mission Mission (Japanese) Reward
Play 1 Free Live フリーライブを1回プレイしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x1
Play 5 Free Lives フリーライブを5回プレイしよう RRLB Maple
RR Limit Break Maple x1
Play 10 Free Lives フリーライブを10回プレイしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x1
Play 15 Free Lives フリーライブを15回プレイしよう RRLB Maple
RR Limit Break Maple x1
Play 20 Free Lives フリーライブを20回プレイしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x1
Play 25 Free Lives フリーライブを25回プレイしよう RRLB Maple
RR Limit Break Maple x1
Play 30 Free Lives フリーライブを30回プレイしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x1
Play 35 Free Lives フリーライブを35回プレイしよう RRLB Maple
RR Limit Break Maple x1
Play in 1 Battle of the Bands 対バンに1回挑戦しよう Soul fragment
Soul Fragment x5
Play in 3 Battle of the Bands 対バンに3回挑戦しよう Soul crystal
Soul Crystal x1
Play in 5 Battle of the Bands 対バンに5回挑戦しよう Soul fragment
Soul Fragment x5
Play in 10 Battle of the Bands 対バンに10回挑戦しよう File:Character sphere point.png
Character Sphere Point x1
Complete 5 Part-Time Jobs バイトを5回完了しよう Iyahoi candy 25
Iyahoi Candy 25 x1
Complete 10 Part-Time Jobs バイトを10回完了しよう Sounddollars
Sound Dollar x69,000
Complete 15 Part-Time Jobs バイトを15回完了しよう Iyahoi candy 25
Iyahoi Candy 25 x1
Complete 20 Part-Time Jobs バイトを20回完了しよう Sounddollars
Sound Dollar x69,000
Log in for 2 days 2日ログインしよう Iyahoi candy 25
Iyahoi Candy 25 x1
Log in for 3 days 3日ログインしよう Sounddollars
Sound Dollar x69,000
Log in for 5 days 5日ログインしよう File:Character sphere point.png
Character Sphere Point x1
Log in for 7 days 7日ログインしよう Melodisians
Melodisian x100

Mission Mission (Japanese) Reward
Register with a SQUARE ENIX ACCOUNT SQUARE ENIX ACCOUNTと連携登録しよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Update your Profile プロフィールを変更しよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Change your Partner パートナーを変更しよう RRLB Maple
RR Limit Break Maple x1
Register Battle Data 対バンデータを登録しよう 69Gacha Ticket
69 Gacha Ticket x1
Add a song to your "Favorites"! 好きな楽曲を「お気に入り」に登録しよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x1
Enhance a character 10 times キャラクターを10以上解放しよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Change your avatar アバターを着替えよう Sounddollars
Sound Dollar x200,000
Customize your Livehouse ライブハウスをカスタムしよう 69Gacha Ticket
69 Gacha Ticket x1
Follow another player 他のプレイヤーをフォローしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x500
Log in for 3 days 3日ログインしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Log in for 10 days 10日ログインしよう 69Gacha Ticket
69 Gacha Ticket x1
Log in for 20 days 20日ログインしよう 69Gacha Ticket
69 Gacha Ticket x1
Log in for 30 days 30日ログインしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Log in for 100 days 100日ログインしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Log in for 150 days 150日ログインしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Log in for 200 days 200日ログインしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Log in for 250 days 250日ログインしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Log in for 300 days 300日ログインしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Log in for 350 days 350日ログインしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Log in for 365 days 365日ログインしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Earn 1,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を100万サウンドル獲得しよう Sounddollars
Sound Dollar x200,000
Earn 3,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を300万サウンドル獲得しよう Sounddollars
Sound Dollar x200,000
Earn 5,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を500万サウンドル獲得しよう Sounddollars
Sound Dollar x200,000
Earn 10,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を1000万サウンドル獲得しよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Earn 30,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を3000万サウンドル獲得しよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Earn 50,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を5000万サウンドル獲得しよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Earn 75,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を7500万サウンドル獲得しよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Earn 100,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を1億サウンドル獲得しよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Earn 150,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を1億5千万サウンドル獲得しよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Earn 200,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を2億サウンドル獲得しよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Earn 250,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を2億5千万サウンドル獲得しよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Earn 300,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を3億サウンドル獲得しよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Earn 350,000,000 Sound Dollars from your Town マイタウンで収益を3億5千万サウンドル獲得しよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Reach Player Rank 10 ユーザーランクを10にしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Reach Player Rank 20 ユーザーランクを20にしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Reach Player Rank 30 ユーザーランクを30にしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Reach Player Rank 40 ユーザーランクを40にしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Reach Player Rank 50 ユーザーランクを50にしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Reach Player Rank 69 ユーザーランクを69にしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Reach Player Rank 100 ユーザーランクを100にしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Reach Player Rank 150 ユーザーランクを150にしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Reach Player Rank 160 ユーザーランクを160にしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x300
Read a Band Episode パンドエピソードを読もう Melodisians
Melodisians x200
Read 5 Band Episodes パンドエピソードを5話読もう RRLB Maple
RR Limit Break Maple x1
Read 10 Band Episodes パンドエピソードを10話読もう SRLB Maple
SR Limit Break Maple x1
Read a Character Episode キャラクターエピソードを読もう SSRLB Maple
SSR Limit Break Maple x1
Get a Full Combo in a Free Live フリーライブでフルコンボを達成しよう 69Gacha Ticket
69 Gacha Ticket x1
Achieve a Full Perfect in a Free Live フリーライブでフルパーフェクトを達成しよう SRLB Maple
SR Limit Break Maple x1
Enhance a bromide's skill スキルレベルアップをしよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Gain more than 100 Breakthrough EXP when Limit Breaking 限界突破経験値を100以上獲得しよう SRLB Maple
SR Limit Break Maple x1
Awaken a bromide ブロマイドを覚醒させよう Melodisians
Melodisians x500
Get 20 new songs 楽曲を20曲獲得しよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x1
Get 30 new songs 楽曲を30曲獲得しよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x1
Clear a song on LUNATIC difficulty in Free Live フリーライブで難易度『LUNATIC』をクリアしよう Melodisians
Melodisians x360

If you have purchased a Pass Ticket, you will receive special daily missions. You will be able to play the following missions and earn rewards for clearing them. Missions on Day 4 will revert to Day 1, and will be repeated for the duration of the validity period.

Day No. Mission Mission (Japanese) Reward
1 Play 1 song in Free Live フリーライブで楽曲を1回プレイしよう Melodisians
Melodisian x180
2 Play in 1 Battle of the Bands 対バンに1回挑戦しよう RRLB Maple
RR Limit Break Maple x1
3 Defeat 1 Dark Monster ダークモンスターを1体討伐しよう Auto ticket
Auto Ticket x10

Beginner Missions

All new players receive a special set of Beginner Missions (初心者ミッション) that they can complete to receive some resources when they first start playing. These special missions can be found by clicking the yellow and green icon on the left of the Home screen.

These beginner missions are broken up into 6 different sets. You must complete the missions under the under the Active Challenge (挑戦中) tab. The other missions you will still have to complete are displayed under Remaining Missions (残りミッション). Each time you complete a set, a few of the missions from the Remaining Challenges tab will be moved under the Active one.

Many of these missions are related to strengthening and limit breaking bromides. For more information on how to do so, visit the Members page.

Mission Mission (Japanese) Reward
Read the Main Story Prologue, Section 2, Episode 4 メインストーリー序章2節4話を読もう Lets go shopping for dinner howan icon
Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan x1
Play Rock Your Heart!! in Free Live フリーライブで 『ハートをRock !!』をプレイしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x15
Strengthen SSR Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Level 30 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』のレベルを30にしよう Sounddollars
Sound Dollars x390,000
Complete all the Challenge Missions
(Set 1)
挑戦中のミッションを全てクリアしよう Lets go shopping for dinner howan icon
Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan x1

Mission Mission (Japanese) Reward
Get Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Limit Break Stage 1 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』の突破段階を1にしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x10
Build a Regular Music Shop in Your Town タウンに 『普通の楽器店』を建てよう Sounddollars
Sound Dollars x690,000
Strengthen SSR Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Level 35 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』のレベルを35にしよう Dokidoki soul s
Dokidoki Tamashii S x10
Complete all the Challenge Missions
(Set 2)
挑戦中のミッションを全てクリアしよう Lets go shopping for dinner howan icon
Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan x1

Mission Mission (Japanese) Reward
Get Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Limit Break Stage 2 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』の突破段階を2にしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x10
Read Howan's Howaa! Let's Go Look Over There♪ Character Episode 1 ほわんのキャラクターエピソード 『「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」 1話』を読もう Dokidoki soul s
Dokidoki Tamashii S x15
Strengthen SSR Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Level 40 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』のレベルを40にしよう Dokidoki soul m
Dokidoki Tamashii M x10
Complete all the Challenge Missions
(Set 3)
挑戦中のミッションを全てクリアしよう Lets go shopping for dinner howan icon
Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan x1

Mission Mission (Japanese) Reward
Get Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Limit Break Stage 3 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』の突破段階を3にしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x10
Play Rock Your Heart!! in again Free Live フリーライブで 『ハートをRock !!』をもう一度プレイしよ Training Ticket L
Training Ticket M x10
Strengthen SSR Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Level 45 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』のレベルを45にしよう Secret teachings of skill
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
Complete all the Challenge Missions
(Set 4)
挑戦中のミッションを全てクリアしよう Lets go shopping for dinner howan icon
Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan x1

Mission Mission (Japanese) Reward
Get Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Limit Break Stage 4 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』の突破段階を4にしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x20
Enhance the skill of Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』のスキルを強化上げよう Dokidoki soul l
Dokidoki Tamashii L x5
Strengthen SSR Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Level 50 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』のレベルを50にしよう Dokidoki soul l
Dokidoki Tamashii L x5
Complete all the Challenge Missions
(Set 5)
挑戦中のミッションを全てクリアしよう Lets go shopping for dinner howan icon
Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan x1

Mission Mission (Japanese) Reward
Get Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Limit Break Stage 5 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』の突破段階を5にしよう Training Ticket L
Training Ticket L x30
Strengthen SSR Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan to Level 55 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』のレベルを55にしよう Auto Ticket
Auto Ticket x10
Awaken Let's Go Shopping for Dinner♪ - Howan 『SSR 「夕飯のお買い物にいこう♪」ほわん』を覚醒させよう SSRLB Maple
SSR Limit Break Maple x1
Complete all the Challenge Missions
(Set 6)
挑戦中のミッションを全てクリアしよう 69Gacha Ticket
69 Gacha Ticket x10
