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Login bonus

Login Bonus screen

The Login Bonus (ログインボーナス) is displayed every day upon your first login. You are able to collect one of three randomly generated items. If you have purchased a 30-Day Golden Pass Ticket, an additional frame will be added.

The items for each frame are randomly selected from a list of items and differ between Players. The higher the value of the item, the lower the chance of it displaying as a login bonus selection.

There are are also login bonuses that are available for a limited-time or for players that meet certain requirements. Visit the Events page for more information.

List of Items[]

Below are the items that are available for each frame. Items that are common for all 4 frames and have been included in the "Common" tab. Featured items that are exclusive to a specific frame are in the corresponding tabs.

Melodisian x100
Melodisian x20
Melodisian x10
Band Crystal Select Point x10
Band Crystal Select Point x5
Band Crystal Select Point x2
Character Sphere Select Point x3
Character Sphere Select Point x2
Character Sphere Select Point x1
Secret Teachings of Skill x1
69 Gacha Ticket x3
69 Gacha Ticket x1
SR Limit Break Maple x1
RR Limit Break Maple x2
R Limit Break Maple x3
Auto Ticket x5
Training Ticket L x2
Training Ticket M x3
Training Ticket S x5
Soul Crystal x2
Soul Fragment x10
Soul Fragment x5
Soul Fragment x2
Iyahoi Candy 50 x1
Iyahoi Candy 25 x1
Dokidoki Tamashii L x15
Dokidoki Tamashii L x4
Dokidoki Tamashii L x1
Wakuwaku L x15
Wakuwaku Tamashii L x4
Wakuwaku Tamashii L x1
Kirakira Tamashii L x15
Kirakira Tamashii L x4
Kirakira Tamashii L x1
Dokidoki M x30
Dokidoki Tamashii M x8
Dokidoki Tamashii M x3
Dokidoki Tamashii M x1
Wakuwaku Tamashii M x30
Wakuwaku Tamashii M x8
Wakuwaku Tamashii M x3
Wakuwaku Tamashii M x1
Kirakira Tamashii M x30
Kirakira Tamashii M x8
Kirakira Tamashii M x3
Kirakira Tamashii M x1
Dokidoki Tamashii S x50
Dokidoki Tamashii S x15
Dokidoki Tamashii S x5
Wakuwaku Tamashii S x50
Wakuwaku Tamashii S x15
Wakuwaku Tamashii S x5
Kirakira Tamashii S x50
Kirakira Tamashii S x15
Kirakira Tamashii S x5
Sound Dollar x10,000
Sound Dollar x5,000

Melodisian x690
Sound Dollar x390,000

SSR Limit Break Maple x5
Soul Crystal x20
Secret Teachings of Skill x5

Iyahoi Candy 100 x10
69 Gacha Ticket x10
Dokidoki Tamashii L x75
Wakuwaku Tamashii L x75
Kirakira Tamashii L x75
Dokidoki Tamashii M x150
Wakuwaku Tamashii M x150
Kirakira Tamashii M x150
Dokidoki Tamashii S x300
Wakuwaku Tamashii S x300
Kirakira Tamashii S x300

Almaz x1
Melodisian x690
SSR Limit Break Maple x5
Soul Crystal x20
Secret Teachings of Skill x5
Iyahoi Candy 100 x10
69 Gacha Ticket x10
Dokidoki Tamashii L x75
Wakuwaku Tamashii L x75
Kirakira Tamashii L x75
Dokidoki Tamashii M x150
Wakuwaku Tamashii M x150
Kirakira Tamashii M x150
Dokidoki Tamashii S x300
Wakuwaku Tamashii S x300
Kirakira Tamashii S x300
