SHOW BY ROCK!! Fes A Live Wiki


Active Skill[]

Score UP ++
Lv.1 - Every 11 seconds, there is a medium chance to trigger the following effect for 6 seconds: Increase score of GOOD or higher notes by 19%.
Lv.2 - As above, but the score will increase by 20%.
Lv.3 - As above, but the score will increase by 21%.
Lv.4 - As above, but the score will increase by 22%.
Lv.5 - As above, but the score will increase by 23%.
Lv.6 - As above, but the score will increase by 24%.
Lv.7 - As above, but the score will increase by 25%.
Lv.8 - As above, but the score will increase by 26%.
Lv.9 - As above, but the score will increase by 27%.
Lv.10 - As above, but the score will increase by 28%.

Support Skill[]

Harmony Support +++
Lv.1 - Grants 35% of own Harmony value to connected main member.
Lv.2 - As above, but grants 37%.
Lv.3 - As above, but grants 39%.
Lv.4 - As above, but grants 41%.
Lv.5 - As above, but grants 43%.
Lv.6 - As above, but grants 45%.
Lv.7 - As above, but grants 47%.
Lv.8 - As above, but grants 49%.
Lv.9 - As above, but grants 51%.
Lv.10 - As above, but grants 53%.

How to Obtain[]

Obtained through the limited Halloween Collection Vol.2 Point Gacha.


Awakens to I'll Have Halloween Until Morning, Su♡ - Sumomone.

Character Episodes[]

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
