SHOW BY ROCK!! Fes A Live Wiki

The Free Live page allows the player to play songs. Songs have four levels of Difficulty: Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert, and Lunatic. Expert and Lunatic mode for song can be unlocked by completing that song on the preceding difficulty. Auto Tickets do not unlock Expert mode.

Song Selection

Song selection

Note Count refers to how many Notes a song has, and those notes are divided into Rhythm, Melody and Harmony notes.

  • Ability Rate - This button shows the player their top 10 highest scores achieved from Free Lives.
  • Goods Drops - This shows what Goods can drop from the song selected.
  • Point UP - This Banner will appear on songs that are 'Assigned Songs' for Events. This means that you'll receive more Event points for playing these songs.


The player can complete song Missions to receive Sound Dollars and Melodisians.

Score Rank: C B A S X
Combo: 10% of the Note Count 30% of the Note Count 50% of the Note Count 70% of the Note Count 100% of the Note Count
Perfect Touch: 10% of the Note Count 20% of the Note Count 40% of the Note Count 60% of the Note Count 80% of the Note Count
Clear: 1 Time 5 Times 15 Times 30 Times 50 Times

Party Selection


The player can select their Party from this page.

The gray 'Challenge Settings' (やりこみ設定) brings up a page of options that make playing a Live more difficult while increasing the score gained from successful notes. A full translation of the settings pages are available on the Settings page.

The Iyahoi multiplier (White Speech box over orange 'Let's Live!' button), can be changed to increase the number of Goods drops and Event points earned from a Song in exchange for using more Iyahoi.

x1 is the default, Songs will be played using 5 Iyahoi at a time and generate x1 Event Points and Goods drops. x2 will use 10 Iyahoi per song and generate x2 Event Points and Goods drops. x4 will use 20 Iyahoi per song and generate x3 Event Points and Goods drops.


End results

End Results Screen

The first Results page will show your results of the Live including your score, your highest combo during the song, and whether you achieved a 'failure', a 'live success', a 'full combo' or a 'full perfect'.

The second page will show your stats and performance for the Live. The third will show acquired Band and Bromide exp, and the last one will let you submit your Score as a Battle of the Bands score, 'Like' the song, or set it as a 'Favorite'.
