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The Exchange (交換所) screen is where you can exchange various point types for items and bromides. It can be accessed from the Shop Menu or from the Menu on the Home screen.

Permanent Exchanges[]

Memorial Point Exchange[]

The Memorial Point Exchange (めもりあるポイント交換所) is a permanent exchange where you can exchange Memorial Points for bromides and Avatar Outfits that appeared as rewards in past Events. It's also possible to purchase UR Limit Break Maples. Memorial Points can be earned from farming Events and occasionally from log-in bonuses.

Event bromides and outfits are not immediately added to the Memorial Point Exchange after events and are added at a later date. There are also some bromides that may not be added to this exchange as they are Limited Collection, such as holiday-related ones.

Past event bromides can be purchased for 100 Memorial Points. Only one of each bromide can be purchased per month. For a full list of bromides in the Memorial Point Exchange, see here.

The following is a list of items and outfits that can be purchased.

Item Name Price Purchase Limit
URLB maple
UR Limit Break Maple
60 Memorial Points 2 per month

Image Item Name Price Purchase Limit
Dream galaxy ball short Dream Galaxy Ball Short 300 Memorial Points 1
Dream galaxy ball bob style Dream Galaxy Ball Bob Style 300 Memorial Points 1
Dream galaxy ball jacket Dream Galaxy Ball Jacket 60 Memorial Points 1
Dream galaxy ball bottoms Dream Galaxy Ball Bottom 60 Memorial Points 1
Chuchu long hair Chuchu Long Hair 300 Memorial Points 1
Chuchu chignon hair Chuchu Chignon Hair 300 Memorial Points 1
Chuchu bustier dress Chuchu Bustier Dress 60 Memorial Points 1
Chuchu ribbon skirt Chuchu Ribbon Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
Sparkling mashimashi twintails Sparkling Mashimashi! Twintails 300 Memorial Points 1
Sparkling mashimashi short Sparkling Mashimashi! Short 300 Memorial Points 1
Sparkling mashimashi jacket Sparkling Mashimashi! Jacket 60 Memorial Points 1
Sparkling mashimashi skirt Sparkling Mashimashi! Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
Center part with ear cuffs Center Part With Ear Cuffs 300 Memorial Points 1
Short cut with ear cuffs Short Cut With Ear Cuffs 300 Memorial Points 1
Neon night coat Neon Night Coat 60 Memorial Points 1
Neon night bottoms Neon Night Bottom 60 Memorial Points 1
Tsukizato village bob style Tsukizato Village Bob Style 300 Memorial Points 1
Tsukizato village pigtails style Tsukizato Village Pigtails Style 300 Memorial Points 1
Tsukizato village high school uniform top Tsukizato Village High School Uniform Top 60 Memorial Points 1
Tsukizato village high school uniform bottom Tsukizato Village High School Uniform Bottom 60 Memorial Points 1
Far east hyakka ryouran match Far East・Hyakka Ryouran Match 300 Memorial Points 1
Far east training style Far East・Training Style 300 Memorial Points 1
Far east hyakka ryouran match top Far East・Hyakka Ryouran Match (Top) 60 Memorial Points 1
Far east hyakka ryouran match bottom Far East・Hyakka Ryouran Match (Bottom) 60 Memorial Points 1
Charming police twintails Coy Police Twintails 300 Memorial Points 1
Serious police natural bob Serious Police Natural Bob 300 Memorial Points 1
Charming police outfit top Coy Police Outfit (Top) 60 Memorial Points 1
Charming police outfit bottom Coy Police Outfit (Bottom) 60 Memorial Points 1
Autumn of appetite special cook style short Autumn of Appetite・Special Cook Style (Short) 60 Memorial Points 1
Autumn of appetite special cook style long Autumn of Appetite・Special Cook Style (Long) 60 Memorial Points 1
Autumn of appetite special cook coat Autumn of Appetite・Special Cook Coat 60 Memorial Points 1
Autumn of appetite special cook apron Autumn of Appetite・Special Cook Apron 60 Memorial Points 1
Fluffy ribbon braids Fluffy Ribbon Braids 60 Memorial Points 1
Fluffy twintails Fluffy Twintails 60 Memorial Points 1
Santa retoree costume top Santa Retoree Costume (Top) 60 Memorial Points 1
Santa retoree costume bottom Santa Retoree Costume (Bottom) 60 Memorial Points 1
Lucky charm cow costume white Lucky Charm・Cow Costume (White) 60 Memorial Points 1
Lucky charm cow costume black and white Lucky Charm・Cow Costume (Black and White) 60 Memorial Points 1
Lucky charm cow costume top Lucky Charm・Cow Costume (Top) 60 Memorial Points 1
Lucky charm cow costume bottom Lucky Charm・Cow Costume (Bottom) 60 Memorial Points 1
Moisturizing pichipichi ponytail Moisturizing Pichipichi Ponytail 300 Memorial Points 1
Moisturizing pichipichi braid Moisturizing Pichipichi Braid 300 Memorial Points 1
Choco ribbon top Choco Ribbon♧Top 60 Memorial Points 1
Choco ribbon apron Choco Ribbon♧Apron 60 Memorial Points 1
Hurry up style ponytail Hurry Up Style Ponytail 300 Memorial Points 1
Hurry up style short Hurry Up Style Short 300 Memorial Points 1
Signals uniform top Signals Uniform (Top) 60 Memorial Points 1
Signals uniform bottom Signals Uniform (Bottom) 60 Memorial Points 1
Wolf style hood Wolf Style Hood 300 Memorial Points 1
Devilish horns Devilish Horns 300 Memorial Points 1
Kintaurus coord Kintaurus' Coord 60 Memorial Points 1
Wolf style denim Wolf Style Denim 60 Memorial Points 1
Rq style healing side up RQ Style Healing Side Up 300 Memorial Points 1
Rq style sexy long RQ Style Sexy Long 300 Memorial Points 1
Rq style top RQ Style Top 60 Memorial Points 1
Rq style tight skirt RQ Style Tight Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
Coy wedding tiara Coy♡Wedding Tiara 300 Memorial Points 1
Bridal hair with flowers Bridal Hair with Flowers 300 Memorial Points 1
Coy wedding dress Coy♡Wedding Dress 60 Memorial Points 1
Coy wedding skirt Coy♡Wedding Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Carribbean pirate hat.png Caribbean Pirate Hat 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Celebrity style pirate hat.png Celebrity Style Pirate Hat 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Celebrity style pirate cape.png Celebrity Style Pirate Cape 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Celebrity style pirate boots.png Celebrity Style Pirate Boots 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Devilmint dj hat.png Devilmint DJ Hat 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Devilmint wig.png Devilmint Wig 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Devilmint dj jacket.png Devilmint DJ Jacket 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Devilmint dj pants.png Devilmint DJ Pants 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Tsukimi rabbit style headdress.png Tsukimi Rabbit Style Headdress 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Tsukimi rabbit style mini hat.png Tsukimi Rabbit Style Mini Hat 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Tsukimi rabbit dress.png Tsukimi Rabbit Dress 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Tsukimi rabbit skirt.png Tsukimi Rabbit Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Pharaoh style hairstyle.png Pharaoh Style Hairstyle 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Queen style hairstyle.png Queen Style Hairstyle 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Pharaoh style top.png Pharaoh Style Top 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Pharaoh style shenti.png Pharaoh Style Shenti 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Adventurer alililice style head.png Adventurer Alililice Style Head 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Explorer alililice style head.png Explorer Alililice Style Head 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Alililice style top.png Alililice Style Top 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Alililice style bottom.png Alililice Style Bottom 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Christmas fox ponytail.png Christmas Fox Ponytail 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Bell bell present dress.png Bell Bell Present Dress 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Ornate tree skirt.png Ornate Tree Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Christmas cat short.png Christmas Cat Short 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Christmas reindeer bob.png Christmas Reindeer Bob 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Black santa style top.png Black Santa Style Top 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Black santa style top.png Black Santa Style Top 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Christmas mesh.png Christmas Mesh 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Christmas dress suit.png Christmas Dress Suit 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Christmas dress slacks.png Christmas Dress Slacks 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Christmas flower pigtails.png Christmas Flower Pigtails 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Dark christmas dress.png Dark Christmas Dress 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Dark christmas skirt.png Dark Christmas Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Eccentric fox head.png Eccentric Fox Head 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Eccentric style top.png Eccentric Style Top 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Eccentric style bottom.png Eccentric Style Bottom 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Blue rose skirt.png Blue Rose Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Blue rose kimono.png Blue Rose Kimono 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Elegant blue rose.png Elegant Blue Rose 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Ponytail tiger head.png Ponytail Tiger Head 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Dango tiger head.png Dango Tiger Head 300 Memorial Points 1
File:New years celebration top.png New Year's Celebration Top 60 Memorial Points 1
File:New years celebration bottom.png New Year's Celebration Bottom 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Sweet pinktail.png Sweet Pinktail 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Pinkish ribbon blouse.png Pinkish Ribbon Blouse 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Choco fondue apron.png Choco Fondue Apron 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Two tone knit cap.png Two-Tone Knit Cap 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Fluffy down jacket.png Fluffy Down Jacket 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Style up pants.png Style Up Pants 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Angelic ring.png Angelic Ring 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Super fluffy flower bustier.png Super Fluffy Flower Bustier 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Fluffy dream skirt.png Fluffy Dream Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Protector head.png Protector Head 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Protector t shirt.png Protector T-Shirt 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Protector pants.png Protector Pants 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Braided golden hair.png Braided Golden Hair 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Green circus jacket.png Green Circus Jacket 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Green circus pants.png Green Circus Pants 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Bunny ear jewel visor.png Bunny Ear Jewel Visor 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Bunny jewel jacket.png Bunny Jewel Jacket 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Bunny jewel skirt.png Bunny Jewel Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Angelic dango bob.png Angelic Dango Bob 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Angelic phantom thief cloak.png Angelic Phantom Thief Cloak 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Angelic phantom thief boots.png Angelic Phantom Thief Boots 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Detective style ribbon head.png Detective Style Ribbon Head 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Detective style inverness coat.png Detective Style Inverness Coat 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Detective style pleated skirt.png Detective Style Pleated Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Popular girl style ribbon.png Popular Girl Style Ribbon 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Popular girl style top.png Popular Girl Style Top 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Popular girl style skirt.png Popular Girl Style Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
Pink heart ribbon Pink Heart Ribbon 300 Memorial Points 1
Pink heart belt Pink Heart Belt 60 Memorial Points 1
Pink heart heels Pink Heart Heels 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Colored lens sunglasses.png Colored Lens Sunglasses 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Deep pink leather coat.png Deep Pink Leather Coat 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Gradient pants.png Gradient Pants 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Flashy half pigtails.png Flashy Half Pigtails 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Flashy corset.png Flashy Corset 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Flashy skirt.png Flashy Skirt 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Orange flippy bunny.png Orange Flippy Bunny 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Fruit summer hoodie.png Fruit Summer Hoodie 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Fruit summer shorts.png Fruit Summer Shorts 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Summer big sunglasses.png Summer Big Sunglasses 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Summer waist wrap.png Summer Waist Wrap 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Sport summer sandals.png Sport Summer Sandals 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Elegant summer pearls.png Elegant Summer Pearls 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Elegant summer scarf.png Elegant Summer Scarf 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Elegant summer flower.png Elegant Summer Flower 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Summer wedding tights.png Summer Wedding Tights 300 Memorial Points 1
File:Summer wedding ruffles.png Summer Wedding Ruffles 60 Memorial Points 1
File:Summer wedding ribbon.png Summer Wedding Ribbon 60 Memorial Points 1

SSR Select Exchange[]

You can trade SSR Select Points at the SSR Select Exchange (SSRセレクト交換所). This is a permanent exchange that contains SSR bromides that are available in the 69 Gacha. Currently, the only players who can receive points for this exchange are beginners who purchase the For Beginners Only・Super Premium Gacha Ticket Pack from the Value Packs Shop within the first 7 days of starting the game.

You may want to consider getting bromides to reinforce certain attributes with a certain type for team building. For example, if you want a Dokidoki bromide with a high Rhythm attribute.

For a full list of bromides in the SSR Select Exchange, see here.

Band Crystal Exchange[]

The Band Crystal Exchange (バンドクリスタル交換所) is where you can exchange Band Crystal Select Points for crystals of the band you choose. Band Crystal Select Points can be received through the daily Login Bonus, various Events, namely Center Tower events, and through the Value Packs Shop. You can also purchase Band Crystals from the Normal Shop.

For more information on what to do with band crystals, visit the Character Enhancement page.

SP Memorial Point Exchange[]

The SP Memorial Point Exchange (SP めもりあるポイント交換所) is a permanent exchange where you can exchange SP Memorial Points for bromides, town objects, stage equipment, and awakening materials for Training Event bromides that appeared as rewards in past Events. These bromides do not appear in any Gachas and only one of each bromide can be purchased. SP Memorial Points can be received by accumulating points in Events.

The following is a list of items and outfits that can be purchased. For a full list of bromides in the SP Memorial Point Exchange, see here.

Item Name Price Purchase Limit
File:Leppanyo tail pillow.png
Leppanyo Tail Pillow x1
50 SP Memorial Points 10
File:Lightning banana.png
Lightning Banana x1
50 SP Memorial Points 10

Item Name Price Purchase Limit
File:Christmas hometown.png
Christmas Hometown
100 SP Memorial Points 1
File:Christmas fence.png
Christmas Fence
50 SP Memorial Points 1
File:Christmas road.png
Christmas Road
50 SP Memorial Points 1
File:Sweet cake shop.png
Sweet Cake Shop
80 SP Memorial Points 1
File:Bvl hellbound hometown.png
BVL Hellbound Hometown
100 SP Memorial Points 1
File:Bvl hellbound fence.png
BVL Hellbound Fence
50 SP Memorial Points 1
File:Bvl hellbound road.png
BVL Hellbound Road
50 SP Memorial Points 1
File:Good fortune shop.png
Good Fortune Shop
80 SP Memorial Points 1
Rainbow livehouse
Rainbow Livehouse
80 SP Memorial Points 1
Rainbow goods shop
Rainbow Goods Shop
80 SP Memorial Points 1
Rainbow theater
Rainbow Theater
80 SP Memorial Points 1

Item Name Price Purchase Limit
File:Flower parade stage.png
Flower Parade Stage
100 SP Memorial Points 1
File:Parade drum speakers.png
Parade Drum Speakers
50 SP Memorial Points 1
File:Parade center speakers.png
Parade Center Speakers
50 SP Memorial Points 1
Celebration stage
Celebration Stage
100 SP Memorial Points 1
Celebration main speakers
Celebration Main Speakers
50 SP Memorial Points 1
Celebration flower speakers
Celebration Flower Speakers
50 SP Memorial Points 1

Character Sphere Exchange[]

The Character Sphere Exchange (キャラスフィア交換所) is where you can exchange Character Sphere Select Points for crystals of the band you choose. Character Sphere Select Points can be received through the daily Login Bonus and Value Packs Shop. You can also purchase Character Spheres from the Battle of the Bands Shop and Yappi Shop.

For more information on what to do with Character Spheres, visit the Character Enhancement page.

Tamashii Item Exchange[]

The Tamashii Item Exchange (魂系アイテム交換所) is where you can exchange Tamashii Item Exchange Points for various tamashii items. Tamashii Item Exchange Points can be received through the Value Packs Shop. You can also obtain tamashii items from the Normal Shop, Yappi Shop, Day of the Week Campaigns, daily Login Bonus, and Events.

For more information on what to do with tamashii items, visit the Awaken and Character Enhancement pages.

The following is a list of items that can be purchased.

Item Name Price Purchase Limit
Dokidoki soul s
Dokidoki Tamashii S
1 None
Dokidoki soul m
Dokidoki Tamashii M
2 None
Dokidoki soul l
Dokidoki Tamashii L
3 None
Wakuwaku soul s
Wakuwaku Tamashii S
1 None
Wakuwaku soul m
Wakuwaku Tamashii M
2 None
Wakuwaku soul l
Wakuwaku Tamashii L
3 None
Kirakira soul s
Kirakira Tamashii S
1 None
Kirakira soul m
Kirakira Tamashii M
2 None
Kirakira soul l
Kirakira Tamashii L
3 None

Battle of the Bands Trophy Exchange[]

The Battle of the Bands Trophy Exchange (対バントロフィー交換所) is where you can exchange Trophies obtained from participating in Extreme Battle of the Bands. You can obtain SSR bromides that are available in the 69 Gacha for 30 Trophies per bromide.

For a full list of bromides in the SP Memorial Point Exchange, see here.

Gacha Exchanges[]

Gacha exchanges are limited-time exchanges that are tied to Gacha. Each new pickup banner has a Point Exchange tied to it which acts as the game's "spark" system where you can exchange points earned from rolling. Visit the Gacha page for more detailed information on each gacha and their exchanges. Only the gacha that have "Point Gacha" in their name will have a corresponding exchange.

When rolling, you receive the following number of points:

  • 39 Gacha (39ガチャ): 10 Points
  • 1-Time Gacha 1回ガチャ: 10 Points
  • 11-Time Gacha 11回ガチャ: 100 Points

Bromides, regardless of rarity, can be purchased for the price of 2,200 Points, which is 220 rolls (or 33,000 Melodisians) for a guaranteed bromide. It's important to note that the Point Exchange for Gachas last about two weeks after the banner ends. All points earned should be redeemed before this date because they will expire after the exchange ends.

Campaign Exchanges[]

There are occasionally campaigns where you may earn special event points to use in a specific event Point Exchange. Visit the Events page for more detailed information on each campaign.
